128 pp
Illustrations, charts
Health IQ Test
ISBN 0-914171-49-6


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"A very practical how to book
. . . applying proven techniques in an easily accessible style."

-David Lawrence, M.D.,
CEO, Kaiser Permanente

 "Brimming with good health advice . . . offers more to truly improve health than nearly any pill or medication."
-David Sobel, M.D.,
author of Health
Smart Ways To Stay Young
& Healthy
Brad Gascoigne, M.D.
Julie N. Irwin

he authors of Smart Ways to Stay Young And Healthy know that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Their advice will help people of all ages modify their lifestyles to remain healthy and active in their later years. This fun, easy-to-read book outlines common-sense ways to remain healthy.

Tips include taking power naps, immunizing yourself, doing breathing exercises to increase relaxation, maintaining friendships, taking an aspirin every other day, stretching in the morning, honoring personal traditions and keeping your sex life healthy.

Smart Ways to Stay Young And Healthy not only condenses scientific information and provides proven methods of staying healthy, but helps readers incorporate healthy behaviors into their everyday lives. Each chapter provides additional resources where readers can obtain further information. And sprinkled throughout the book are fun and informative questions.

Smart Ways to Stay Young And Healthy offers the best way to save on health care -- by helping to develop a healthy lifestyle. This easy-to-read book gives practical suggestions for doing just that. Reinforcing the advice of one's family physician, Smart Ways to Stay Young And Healthy outlines common-sense ways to be healthy.

High blood pressure is a contributing factor in three-fourths of heart attacks and strokes. Having higher than normal blood pressure puts a strain on your heart by increasing the pressure your heart must work against each and every beat. Your chances of having a heart attack increase because of the extra strain.

á Get in shape.
á Stop smoking.
á Take a stress-reduction class.
á Take more control of your day-to-day worklife.
á Practice a meditation or relaxation technique daily.
á Use less sodium or salt.
á Moderate your alcohol intake.
á Drink fewer than four cups of coffee a day.


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