ISBN 978-1-57951-039-8

192 pages, Illustrated


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I am not
Timothy Leary.

I just use his identity.
-Testimony to Senate Hearing

Living Traditions Review

You are only as young as 
the last time you changed 
your mind!

Change your mind often.

Live your highest vision!

The Fugitive Philosopher
Timothy Leary
Preface by Fraser Clark

Like Socrates, humanity's most influential philosopher, Timothy Leary was jailed for his ideas.  Whereas Socrates was condemned to death, Leary managed to escape his jailers with a little help from his friends, the Weather Underground.

Question Authority
Think for Yourself

There began the fascinating saga for the Fugitive Philosopher on the lam that took him to the Black Panther villa in Algeria, which got a little scary.  So Tim escaped to Switzerland, which was much more suited to his style - being a high profile provocateur, neurotogical yoga, meetings with time-travelers, late night pontificating, alchemical experiences, and frequent opportunities to press sex and danger buttons.

The body is the car.
The nervous system
is the driver.

Joy-ride your body!

Interspersed throughout the story of Leary's adventures as an out-caste, as he called himself, are brief snippets from his many penetrating insights that so disturbed the Hive Masters.  Filled with peeks into his relationships with Richard Alpert, Allen Ginsberg, Rosemary Leary, Aldous Huxley, Alan Watts, Prince Alexis, Professor Rhine, Frank Barron and many others.

Philosophers ask the questions.
Scientists answer them.

This light-hearted, fun-read is something of a Leary 101 Primer from which readers will get an entertaining overview of the life and work of a man whose tremendous impact upon popular culture of the Western world, in the latter half of the 20th Century, continues today.

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