ISBN: 978-1-57951-157-9


 "What I wish to do in this book is give you enough samples to learn your own simulations of God, understand your own system of belief, and find out what is most important to you within yourself, here and now." —John C. Lilly, M.D.

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Simulations of God
John C. Lilly, M.D.

Before the beginning was the VOID. Out of the void came God, the Star Maker, the Creator, the Decision Maker, the First Distinction. Out of God came the idea of self, the consciousness without an object, the consciousness of itself without an object, the consciousness without consciousness, self.


We are part of the universe trying to describe itself and the rest of the universe. When you look inside and see yourself, there is nothing. Feedback is complete in the void;  however, there is a sense of being, consciousness, a state of being I am, I am that, I am it. We project on these realities our own simulations, thus confusing what we wish the universe to be with what it is


Simulations of God is a brilliant, provocative Work by John C. Lilly, M.D., one of the great creative scientists of the twentieth century where he examines the sacred realms of self, religion, science, philosophy, sex, drugs, politics, money, crime, war, family, and spiritual paths “with no holds barred, with courage and a sense of excitement”. Lilly’s purpose is to provide readers with a unique view of inner reality to help them unfold new areas for growth and self-realization.


Simulations of God is a kind of handbook to start you on your search for your simulations of God. Belief systems that function as simulations of God are not necessarily fully conscious, but are more like the iceberg with so much hidden below. Solitude, isolation and confinement in an isolation tank—Lilly Tank—are tools for investigating one’s belief systems.


Belief systems are to some extent analogous to garments that we can put on and take off, that are of various colors and designs, that may be rather outrageous, sexual, emotional, or totally alien. A given belief system can be believed only when it is appropriate to believe it. We learn appropriateness very early, beginning from our family because appropriateness is determined not by ourselves but by the social reality in which we exist.


Keep in mind that this book is a simulation, even as you are to me and I am to you. Lilly examines those simulations, those scenarios, those myths, those models of inner and outer reality, which lie at the base of our thinking-feeling-doing. He explores techniques and meta-programs for analyzing your belief systems, your simulations of God, for finding out what is important to you, yourself, within yourself, here and now. When you really look at these aspects of yourself, your find you are quite happy with certain of them but discontent with others so that you will to revise, at least in part, your basic belief systems, your simulations of God. Explores meta-belief systems, which are beliefs about beliefs.

