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Hermaphrodites, Gynomorphs & Jesus
She-Male Gods & the Roots of Christianity

Dr. David C. A. Hillman

Entheogens, Myth & Human Consciousness
Carl A. P. Ruck
Mark A. Hoffman

Original Sin
Ritual Child Rape
& The Church
Dr. David Hillman

Simulations of God
John C. Lilly, M.D.

Simple Pleasures
Tune into NOW!

Sir John Lubbock

Derived from The Pleasures of Life
by Beverly A. Potter


Spiritual Secrets for Playing the Game of Life
Derived by Beverly A. Potter

From Florence Scovel Shinn's
The Game of Life & How to Play It


Beyond Consciousness
What Happens After Death
Dr. Beverly Potter.

The Steersman
Metabeliefs & Self-Navigation
John C. Lilly, M.D.

Tales of Tongue Fu

by Paul Krassner

Preface by David Jay Brown


Trina Robbins
Pete von Sholly
Sacred Mushrooms of the Goddess
Secrets of Eleusis
Carl A. P. Ruck 
Preface: Huston Smith 

Mushroom Wisdom
How Shamans
Cultivate Spirituality
Martin W. Ball, Ph.D.


Start Your Own Religion
Timothy Leary


Hail Eris Goddess of Chaos and Confusion
Malaclypse the Younger 
&Omar Khayyam Ravenhurst

The Quiet Center
John C. Lilly, M.D. 


Your Brain Is God
Timothy Leary 

Center of the Cyclone
Looking Into Inner Space
John C. Lilly, M.D.


High Priest
Timothy Leary 


Psychedelic Prayers
Timothy Leary 



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